Keynote Speaker, Matt Mueller is the best-selling author of The Mindful Innovator, a Columnist for Innovation Leader, a Mindfulness Instructor for Insight Timer, and a RETHINK Retail Top Retail Expert working with some of the world’s biggest brands.
Though he wears many hats, it all serves one purpose—to help leaders focus so they can amplify their organization’s productivity and decision-making, and innovate with purposeful growth.
With over a decade of experience as a global innovation strategist, he has uncovered deep insights, executed strategy, and facilitated change for global brands and industries that have not changed in centuries. Matt questioned the culture of innovation and researched what innovation was like before there was a book or process.
He learned that every innovation has three key variables—and it is not about disrupting before being disrupted. Rather, Matt teaches that if we just slow down to be mindful, we can innovate faster with purpose.
Matt has a deep-rooted passion for helping leaders make effective decisions using mindfulness. It all started in the retail industry—from a part-time deli associate to starting a retail innovation team for a national brand—Matt recognized that decision-making was clouded by constantly changing market conditions: new technology, the competition, competing priorities, and more.
He was able to break through the noise and get clear on his company’s needs. His concepts increased sales, reduced costs, created higher customer satisfaction, and reduced employee turnover.